
Standnummer: A08

Thema: 3D-Print/Lasercutter

The association Make it got founded in 2018 and is promoting the maker movement in Luxembourg, the Greater Region and beyond. With our projects we try to help as many makers as possible to find and to develop their calling. With the MakerBuzz, we are offering pedagogical workshops for all age groups since 2019.

The MakerBuzz is a mobile makerspace that was launched with the financial support of the Luxembourg National Research Fund. You will be able to get into the MakerBuzz, discover all its tools and workstations. And exchange with us on your ideas for or your experience with such a mobile makerspace. We furthermore want you to discover our interactive workshops on soldering and/or lasercutting. Show us your skills or tell us how you develop skills in your own projects.

Mitmachangebot: At our workshops, there are always at least two outcomes: You get to learn or improve your skills (here: soldering) and at the same time, we show you how much of scientific tinkerer or maker you actually are. Join our workshop to take home your own tool or creation.

Ansprechpartner/in: Eric Krier

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